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All Payrolls peer support forums

Sometimes the best way to get a straight answer is to ask people who are just like yourself! On the All Payrolls website, we have a Forum and a brand new video to show you how to use it.

We are encouraging all of our clients and staff to use this great facility, so if you don’t already have a login for our website, click here and register it is very easy and we just need a bare minimum of information to get you set up.

Once you are registered you can go to the Forum and ask questions about anything, not just payroll related matters.  Of course, if you do have a payroll related matter one of our team will answer it straight-away.  But with any question you have, the benefit of putting your question on the Forum is that all of our other clients will be able to see it and the answer.  So, you could be helping others by using our Forum.

Our clients include people with disabilities, public sector bodies, schools and businesses. So whether you want to ask about recruiting a carer or the best place to buy products or services, or comment about something you’ve heard in the “news”, we are sure you will find a wealth of knowledge, information and experience amongst your peers.

Enjoy using our Forum or for more information please contact our payroll experts at our Birmingham office.