Unfair Dismissal Award And Other Award Limits Set To Rise

Employment Rights PayrollThe Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) order 2018 has been put before parliament and if approved will come into force on 6th April 2018.  This order effectively sees 8 statutory provisions increase.  These include the minimum amount of basic award of compensation on various aspects of unfair dismissal with the award limit in one section increasing by over £3,000 to £83,682, also the maximum amount of “a week’s pay” for the purpose of calculating a redundancy payment or unfair dismissal is increased.

For full details follow this link https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2018/194/pdfs/uksi_20180194_en.pdf

At All Payrolls we manage every aspect of payroll and pension administration and work in partnership with trusted HR service provider partners who can help and advise employers on the complex area of HR Management including unfair dismissal claims.

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