The Pensions Regulator To Prosecute Recruitment Agency

Outsourced Payroll Management BirminghamThe Pensions Regulator is prosecuting a recruitment agency, SKL Professional Recruitment Agency Ltd, based in Bushey, Hertfordshire.  SKL who operate in the care sector are accused of wilfully failing to comply with their auto enrolment duties and knowingly or recklessly providing false and misleading information to the TPR. This includes falsely claiming to have enrolled 22 staff into a workplace pension scheme.

Both the agency’s MD and the agency itself are being prosecuted.  This kind of crime can be tried either in a Magistrates court or a Crown Court.  In this case SKL and the MD have been summoned to appear before magistrates.  This carries a maximum sentence of an unlimited fine for each defendant.  In a Crown Court the maximum sentence is two years’ imprisonment.

Proving a workplace pension for your staff is one of the many legal requirements that every employer must deal with. The benefit of outsourcing your payroll management to All Payrolls, is that we provide a level of independent double-checking.  Often, when something illegal happens within a business, and is initiated by a director or an employee, it can be covered up for a time. This is more difficult when you have an expert third-party managing your payroll and all the reporting that goes along with this.  Contact our payroll experts at our Birmingham head office.

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