Support Employing a PA or Carer

Personal assistants or carers can help you to live an independent life in your own home, some people might only need assistance for a few hours a week or you may need care though the day and night.  Whatever your requirements it is essential to employ the right carers and personal assistants.  All Payrolls can help you in very practical ways with this task.

What We Will Do For You

  • Support you with drafting job adverts and placing them in various locations and media to achieve applicant interest in your job vacancy
  • We will act as your secure postal address service to safeguard your confidentiality and identity (for applications resulting from job adverts)
  • Support you with putting together interview questions, letters and finding or deciding on interview venues
  • Support you with identity checks and ‘right to work checks’
  • Provide you with tips on how to select applicants to interview based on what outcome you want to achieve
  • Perform Police checks (DBS checks) on your employees (if needed)

We advise all of our clients to perform Police checks on their staff, before employing them permanently. All Payrolls are able to perform DBS checks on your personal assistants and carers at a cost of £59.50 (for an enhanced check), with a quick 48 hour turn around period in some cases through our DBS umbrella partner.

Our PA (Carer) recruitment fees:

Option 1 : ON A Flexible CONTRACT : £260 per year OR £5 per week. Payable WEEKLY/MONTHLY  (upto 5 recruitment episodes per year)

Option 2 : ON A YEARLY CONTRACT : £199 per year. Payable in ONE yearly payment ‘In advance’. (upto 5 recruitment episodes per year)

Option 3 : NO CONTRACT :£195 EACH time ONE PA needs to be recruited.

If you would like more detailed pricing please contact us.

We also provide HR services through trusted partners.