MPs To Examine If HMRC Deals Equally Fairly With Big Business and Small Businesses

Payroll Services BirminghamWe’ve all seen the headlines about businesses like Apple, Starbucks and Gap allegedly earning millions of pounds of profit in the UK but paying little Corporation Tax. It now seems that MP’s are going to look into this and whether HMRC adhere to their own internal governance processes to ensure that all tax disputes are dealt with fairly and in even-handed manner.

The Treasury Sub-Committee will study the steps HMRC has taken to address public concerns about the actions of some businesses and individuals who seem to be determined not to pay their fair share of tax. This scrutiny will also look into agreements reached that are outside of HMRC’s formal enquiry process.

Our head office is in Birmingham, but we have clients all over the UK who rely on us for help and advice on all matters related to Payroll including personal tax so please get in touch .

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