Changes To Declaration of Compliance Portal From End Of March

Pensions Admin BirminghamScheduled for around the end of March there are going to be changes to how you will provide Declarations of Compliance to The Pensions Regulator. Previously you will have used the government gateway for the authentication process.  From the end of March you will use The Pensions Regulators own system.

The most important changes to the ‘AE Login’ are:

  • Employers will need a passcode, which is obtained by creating an account from the main landing page
  • You can create a ‘guest account’ for employers to get started without setting up a passcode
  • Red warning/reminder messages will appear if an employer is close to their duties start date
  • For people completing Declarations of Compliance for multiple employers (people like us here at All Payrolls) there will be a ‘multi-employer dashboard’ which can be sorted by employer and declaration deadline – very handy!

Also, if you have partially completed a Declaration of Compliance through the government gateway this will have automatically been saved, and once a new account/passcode is created you will be able to carry on from where you left off.

The image shown was supplied to us by The Pensions Regular showing the employer dashboard.

At All Payrolls we provide a full Pension Administration Service  taking away the burden of dealing with this for our clients. Contact us  for more information.

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