Business, Brexit & CBI’s New Approach to Immigration

Payroll birminghamBrexit is always in the headlines and no wonder as we are on course to leave the EU on 29th March 2019.  One of the big issues of the Referendum and the exit negotiations is immigration. Many businesses and organisations have employees from across the EU and around the world that they simply can’t afford to lose because they need them to provide their products and services and to grow.  Therefore, the new rules that the UK adopts for immigration need to be carefully sculpted.

The CBI has published a report based upon evidence from 129,000 firms across 18 industry sectors. It hopes their recommendations will lead to a new approach to immigration that can be open enough for the UK economy to grow but with sufficient controls in place to build public trust and confidence in the immigration system.

You can access the full report here <link to report> but in summary the report can be grouped into five themes:

  • Build public trust by shifting away from controlling numbers to assessing contribution and investing in local public services where demand has been increased by migration
  • Reform the non-EU immigration system so UK firms can access people and skills more easily from around the world, not only the EU
  • Recognise the strong links between people and trade as the UK forges new economic relationships on the world stage
  • Replace free movement with an open and controlled immigration system

And finally, the theme that we at All Payrolls feel is particularly important

  • Ensure that the transition to any new migration system is done with respect for people and is done in an orderly manner

If you are employing people from abroad we can help you ensure you are compliant with your obligations as an employer and help you with your entire payroll function. Please talk to our team at our head office in Birmingham.

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