Payroll Company Boss Banned For 7 Years

Outsourced Payroll BirminghamThe Insolvency Service undertook an investigation into Crownsbury Limited finding that company director John Thomas Hanbury failed to ensure the business had adequate accounting records. This included a sum of £520,000 for which they could not determine the reason for this receipt going into Crownsbury’s bank account.

John Hanbury was appointed a director of Crownsbury Limited in January 2016 and the company went on to operate a payroll processing bureau, which it had not done before his appointment. The business went into Administration on 18th July 2016.  The Insolvency Service found that he not only failed to keep proper books and records but he also failed to provide adequate accounting records to the Joint Administrators when required to do so.  Therefore, the Insolvency Service has been unable to verify what the company’s income and expenditure was after 3rd May 2016 which was when the company bank account was closed.

John Hanbury put forward a ‘Disqualification Undertaking’, which was accepted by the Secretary of State On 7th August 2018.  The ban is effective from 28th August 2018 and lasts for 7 years.  A person with a disqualification cannot act as a director of a company, nor take part, directly or indirectly in the promotion, formation or management of a company or limited liability partnership or be a receiver of a company’s property.

Outsourcing your payroll function to an expert third party can save significant time and money. However, always take references before you appoint your outsourced payroll provider, take time to find out how long they have been providing payroll services to their clients and get all the information you require to feel sure you have done due diligence before appointing them.  At All Payrolls we will be happy to provide any and all information that you need and would welcome the opportunity to talk to you. Please get in touch with our team at our head office in Birmingham for outsourced payroll services.

UK Will Unilaterally Tax Web Giants

Payroll Service BirminghamLast years’ Conservative Party Conference was held in All Payrolls’ backyard. Literally a stone’s throw from our head office in Birmingham.

In his conference speech Chancellor, Philip Hammond threatened to unilaterally tax the web giants. He said the Conservatives had led the debate on international tax reform for the digital age. He argued that the tech giants such as Amazon, Google and Facebook should make a fair contribution to paying for public services in all the countries they do business.  We agree with this because these massive global tech companies reap the benefits of our educated workforces, health services and transport infrastructure. All of which is paid for through taxation.

Hammond went a step further in his 2018 Autumn Statement. Here he announced plans to introduce a new 2% Digital Services Tax from April 2020. We had been concerned that any tax announcements would affect all businesses that trade on-line, but the Chancellor stressed that this new tax would only be levied on profitable companies that have at least £500m a year in global revenues.

At the Conservative Party Conference, the Chancellor also spoke about reforms to the government’s apprenticeship levy, and he announced that £20m would be invested in a new network to help SMEs to learn new management skills from mentors from the likes of KPMG and Siemens. In our experience at All Payrolls, if a business wants to apply for apprentices or enrol in government training initiatives there is always an applications process that requires numbers.  Often asking for details of number of employees, how many new roles you have created and so on.  By outsourcing your payroll function to All Payrolls all of these figures would be available quickly and accurately.  So please don’t let bureaucracy put you off growing your business. To find out more about our payroll services contact our Birmingham head office and we’ll be pleased to help.